Category SEO Tips

How to Rank Your Website Without A Blog Page

How to Rank Your Website Without A Blog Page
It takes more time and effort to rank a website without a blog page than it takes for the one that has a blog page. Getting a website that does not have a blog page to rank on the first page of google search results may sometimes be a struggle.  As an SEO professional, you may have been in that position where you are asked to optimize a website, but you are only limited with the content on the website home page or few other pages. On some occasions, the marketing team may have made their decision about the page copy and your hands are tied on the amount of changes you can influence on the page content.

What SEO Service Does Your Business Need? How to Find Out

How discover the SEO service your business need
One great benefit of SEO service is its long term benefit. As the traffic from pay per click (PPC) advertising ends the moment you stop paying, SEO traffic persists over a long time if done right. Despite SEO being a very relevant digital marketing component to explore, it is very important to know which kind of SEO service your business needs at a particular stage in your marketing journey. This will not only save cost for you, but it will also help in guiding your measurement of result.